Thursday, March 25, 2010

So much news, so little time.

My goal for this blog is to take a news story and give my take on it.
It may be a big headline or one that appears between two ads. It could be politcs, or it could be an obscure local headline, or maybe just something I think should be newsworthy to appear on actual newsprint.

Everyday something makes me shake my head. And hey, now my family won't have to listen to me comment.
I was part of a forum on a newspaper which was dissolved and has never come back.
It was like losing part of my family.
We chatted amicably, or argued vehemently, but in the end agreed to disagree.
Some of the members even went as far as to have a picnic, meeting each other for the first time and getting to know each other without their log in labels.

It's no doubt been done before,and that is okay, plenty of room on the internet.
As I have written before, it you like what your reading please come back if not..well there is a bazillion other blogs to read out here. I won't be offended.

I'll still pull out the proverbial soapbox and give you the dailykaws.