Monday, May 30, 2011

Celebrity Politicians

Today I perused a recap of the past few weeks news that has hogged the headlines.
A particular one caught my attention as it was about yet another philandering public official who was once an actor, and then a governor,and was found to have at least one child with a house staff member, meaning he was screwing the maid or the nanny, and gee whiz got caught.

Since I filed this under the category as not my business and it has little to do with anything of any great importance, I do not know the details. Guess what? I do not care to know the details. I wonder when the American public decided that they have the right to know every personal detail of anyone elses lives?

Unless it has to do with National Security, or raising taxes, or somehow actually affects me personally, I am a believer in the theory that there are some things that should remain behind closed doors. Personal lives and issues are just that...personal.

I believe in the TMI or too much information. Sure I feel bad for the insanely well off and famous wife of this cheater, but hey, it's her business. I do not need to know how it happen in minute detail, or why she didn't realize that it was happening under her roof, or that the child conceived bore a striking resemblance to her soon to be ex husband. Not my business.

Yet private lives of the famous and not so famous are thrown at us on the internet, on front pages of less than reputable newspapers, and those all so reliable so called magazines that assualt us at the grocery checkout.
Not my business and I don't care.

I do care that if these so called adults have trouble managing their private lives, why were they elected in the first place. Even the most upright, and ethical politicians seem to be in the position of being caught with their pants down. Is there something in the water, or did they just hide this personal flaw until their public lives became everyones business.

If they can't help themselves perhaps they could practice a little discretion. And I could then concentrate on more important things like the picture blog of a dog going from a puppy to a year old dog. Well maybe not.