Saturday, June 25, 2011

College visit -an orientation

So we are back from my youngest daughter's college orientation, and placement testing. It was a long two days but a necessary trip.
Seems as the college she has opted to attend insists on these visits by incoming freshmen. I know that she had stress, but all seems to have gone well, and her classes are scheduled, and now we have two months to finish all the necessary paperwork and prep work that we do for our children as they make the leap into adulthood. It does make me feel better that her older sister is working in the small town this large university consumes over the school year.
My youngest will still be a state away in just two months. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this, but I have faith that she will try to make the best of her opportunity. She understands that the next four years will provide her with income potential, and this above all drives her.
I guess I am feeling as though part of my role as her mother is leaving now. I have never been a helicopter parent, chosing instead to allow my girls to make their own decisions, right or wrong, knowing that I have tried my best to instill the basics of being a good human being.
I also know at times I could have been a better parent, a better mom. Hindsight is just that, looking back cannot change how our children view the world.
I know from experience that we make our own way, and hopefully we will be happy with the path we choose. If we aren't I can only hope that they both realize that there are other options.
So in two short months I will be finishing the prep work and giving a hug, and driving five hours away. At this moment, I'm feeling okay, hopefully in two months I'll be feeling the same way.