Monday, May 4, 2015

Spring has sprung

After a particularly cruel, cold, snowy, and prolonged winter, spring has sprung in all it's glory.  Well, let me say it has arrived.  The grass is struggling to recover, the bare patches show how often the dog goes in the front yard, the flower bed is still empty and in need of prep but it looks like spring has returned.  I had doubts at times, and I like winter weather, but even I was getting weary.  I look good in turtlenecks and hats, but enough was enough.

With spring here in the Poconos,  comes awakening bears getting into the trash cans and strewing the carefully bagged garbage and sharing it with the neighbors.  The birds are returning, hoping to reap the benefits of the bugs making their way out for another season.  The bugs.  We have a variety and most at some point find their way into the house as most do.  They crawl, they fly, they creep up on a person when you least suspect them.   We have deer, still being lazy and eating anything they can reach, an occasional skunk, raccoon or possum.

Every spring though what amazes me is how we have nothing on the trees one day, and the next morning the trees are alive with blooms, and buds, and pollen.  The dreaded pollen.  The scourge of my home.  When you can do graffiti in the yellow that covers the car every morning, it's a lot of pollen.  So we take pills, spray anti pollen up our nostrils, and buy huge warehouse club size packages of tissues.

I relish spring for it's moderate temperatures in the day and the cool nights.  For the chance to bring out the short sleeved shirts, and smile when I realize that I really do not have to buy new sandals this year again.  Heck I may even shave my legs.  It is spring after all.

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